Bruce Trail – Old Baldy to Eugenia Falls

On November 25th, 2023 we began hiking the Beaver Valley Club section of the Bruce Trail from the Old Baldy parking lot to Eugenia Falls.

This trail takes from up on top to down about midway, with one extremely long ascent along water tower pipes. There are plenty of valley views, escarpment features and several small river or creek crossings. You know you have reached the North side of Eugenia waterfall when you come to an old stone arch. You will need to walk riverside for a little ways before being able to cross to the South side. The South side path eventually leads to a gorgeous stone masonry wall and a great viewing area of the falls. The flow of the falls was quite small at the end of November compared to when we were there on a rainy day in April. However, the valley the falls opens to is dramatic and scenic.

Note 1: The Eugenia Falls parking lot was officially closed and we had to find parking nearby. By the looks of a nearby home, I would suggest hiking in the area before Halloween.

Note 2: We have 20km left to finish the Beaver Valley Club, but since this goes through a ski hill, we will need to wait until the spring.

Meanwhile, off trail there was much going on, including completing and submitting my art to The Worth Gallery for the December 7-24th, 2023 group show. Photos of my pieces can be seen in the YouTube video for this hike.

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